Guess What's New...!

Welcome, Thanks for Visiting!
You're invited to fill out the contact form below & it will be my pleasure to respond to your message...in a flash!
So... What's New...?
Telling Tales...
Yes! Telling Tales together...Yours, Mine & Others.
As the author of over 50 short stories...some might say mini-stories' at 500-600 words...I'm wanting to share the energizing joy I gain from telling my own & others' stories. Many of these stories would be lost forever if not saved for YOU the author and potentially others to enjoy, now & in the future.
Why not, drop me a line?
I'll let you know when my next virtual Telling Tales session or my in-person Telling Tales & Tea session is schedule.
You'll be glad you joined in.
Drop me a line & I'll outline the Telling Tales details.
Whether you choose a private or group session or even decide to wait awhile to jump on board, once you submit your contact form, I'll send you an overview of what Telling Tales is all about & why you might join in.
Writing & potentially sharing your own and hearing others' stories may bring you new insights to your past, present & future, renewed energy & joy, engagement in a spirited conversation & a lighthearted way to invest an hour or so.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Suzanne Park, M.Ed. Leaside Life Author
About Suzanne...
As a leadership and communications coach, I’ve been engaged on a multitude of diverse projects with clients in banking, academia, telecom, packaging, payment solutions, health care, manufacturing and the pharmaceuticals sectors.
Projects include:
- Emotional Intelligence Bootcamp’
Ted Rogers School of Management
- Resiliency in the Workplace’ Speaking Engagements with
Strong Minds Strong Kids: Psychology Canada:
- Internationally Trained Lawyers Program
‘Leadership & Communications Sessions’ University Toronto
- Presenting to Executives’ & ‘Speaking Effectively’
TD Bank
- Leadership & Communications Coaching
CAMH Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Credentials include:
- Masters of Education in Developing Human Resources
University of Toronto
- Conversational Intelligence Enhanced Skills Coach
The Creating WE® Institute
- Mediation & Conflict Systems Design Certificate
Justice Institute of British Columbia
- Ontario Association of Mental Health Professionals Member
- Assessments EQ Map, MBTI, DISC
- Essentrics® Certified L1 Fitness Trainer
Community Service/Involvement:
- University Health Network: Rally for Rehab Volunteer
- Psychology Canada: Strong Minds: Strong Kids:
Two Term Trustee & Volunteer, 20+ years & current
- WoodGreen: Volunteer Newcomer Professionals
Workplace Communications & Interviewing Sessions
- Santa Claus Parade
- Fitness/Essentrics® & Wellness elevating Vitality & Joy
- Resilience Research Theory & Application
- Tennis, Golf & learning about the history and game of Lacrosse
- Biographies of Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Elite Athletes,
Grifters & Entertainers
- People, their mojo and what fuels their Vitality & Joy
Thanks for submitting!